Meet our Veteran Peer Specialists


Phone: Cell: (414) 949-1743

Certified Peer Specialist

  • Retired US Army Veteran with 17-year career as Staff Sargent, 11B Infantry, 19E Armor and 91 E Medic.
  • A Vet in recovery and an advocate for change.
  • Community Engagement Consultant at MCW & Milwaukee VA.
  • Involved with the HSR&D VA advocating for Veterans engagement as a partner in Research.
  • Co-founder of Dryhootch of America and very involved with Milwaukee area Veterans working as the Veteran Peer Coordinator for Milwaukee County Veterans court and the new state-wide Veterans Peer Respite.
  • Constantly advocating for the wellbeing of our Veterans in the community and folks in general.
“I’ve been in recovery for 20 years…my journey in recovery never ends.  When you learn to live with it, it is amazing what can happen.” 
Listen HERE as Mark shares his story.


NAMI Compassionate Conversations Podcast features Veteran peer Mark “A Veterans Journey Serving those who Serve”



Phone: Cell: (362) 424-3908

Certified Peer Specialist

  • Retired US Army Veteran, serving from June 2010 to October 2013
  • Stationed at Wainwright, Alaska, under 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment. 
  • From April 2011-April 2012, deployed to Afghanistan to support Operation Enduring Freedom.  Engaged in over 100 combat missions and received a Purple Heart from injuries sustained in combat.
  • In 2019 became a Certified Peer Specialist and worked with the R&R House, the nations first Peer-run respite for Veterans.
  • Continuing his passion working with Veterans with the Capt. Mason Program, and during off time enjoys spending time with his wife.
NAMI Compassionate Conversations Podcast features Veteran peers Peter B. and Pete G. “Veteran for Veteran”
Listen HERE: Compassionate Conversations | Podcast on Spotify





Phone Cell:  (414) 839-7445

Certified Peer Specialist

  • US Marine Veteran with two deployments to Iraq as a CASEVAC Helicopter Crew Chief, 2002-2007. 
  • Studied Sociology and Criminology and received bachelor’s from UW-Whitewater in 2015.
  • Three years experience peer supporting Veterans by respite and warmline..
  • Loves engaging the community to align resources with those in need.
  • Uses the lived experience of his own mental health journey to provide empathy and support for other Veterans.
NAMI Compassionate Conversations Podcast features Veteran peers Pete G. and Peter B. “Veteran for Veteran”
Listen HERE: Compassionate Conversations | Podcast on Spotify

Our Schedule – Please call ahead 

We provide support in Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Waukesha, Jefferson, and Walworth Counties.


Monthly Schedules for peer to peer Office Hours and NAMI Veteran Support Groups.

NAMI  Milwaukee County Support Group:  

NAMI Kenosha County Support Group:

Jefferson County “Coffee With Veterans”:  

NAMI Waukesha County Support Group:

NAMI  Walworth County Support Group:  Contact us with your interest at (414) 955-8910!

Additional NAMI Racine Support Groups: